The Official FIVE STARR Website - Created 08/24/00 - Updated 06/26/07
MAY 30TH, 2007
What a tag team they were! Five Starr and Derrick King teamed up with Sammy the Bassman to wage war on fish! For more pictures and for the entire story, check the BLOG and PICS! It's never a dull moment with DK... just look and see for yourself. The day ended with this...
MAY 23RD, 2007
"This sucks. Sure, she can sing and everything... but she has NO CHARISMA! Blake might be a Five Starr rip-off, but he can perform (we have something in common)! I hate to make this a race issue, but that's what it looks like. Malinda Doolittle was voted off, so all the African-American votes went over to Jordan. That's how it works. But I guarantee you this: Blake will be a much bigger star than Jordan ever will be. I promise you that."
"Just look at the facts. I like Taylor Hicks and I voted for him last year..."
"But that was only because Chris Daughtry was out of the competition."
"And you tell me who's the bigger star now? Mark my words... Jordan will flop. Blake will soar. Another year where the best didn't win. Jordan will fall into the Rueben / Fantasia role. Being a nothing and selling zero records."
"I'm disappointed to say the least."
"I'm sitting here watching the show... and I'm totally disappointed. Yeah, it was cool that Douggie Fresh and Blake teamed up for their performance. It rocked. Yeah, Gwen Stefani was hot as all get out. Green Day? That's kinda cool. Sinjiah and Aerosmith? Well, that was good to stir the pot a little bit. But all the other crap? The awards? What the hell are they doing? They set up a two hour special with nothing but filler junk! I'm totally disappointed! Even seeing all those little kids singing was horrible for me. I didn't like it. Call me a party-pooper but it sucked. Tony Bennett needs to go ahead and retire. It's past his time."
"I will REALLY be hot if Blake loses tonight. He's obviously the best performer. The chick can sing... but he's the Idol. Not her. I'll be back on after the results are over. Blake better win..."
Don't miss Five Starr at Sam's Town on Saturday night for Memphis Wrestling! Also, if you're unable to make it... check out CW30, as Five Starr gets a crack at the Southern Jr Heavyweight Championship, as he takes on Derrick King! CW30 is the channel and 10pm is the time! Don't miss the shows!
If you click on the HALL OF SHAME button on the side of the screen, you will see a brand new Hall of Shame inductee! You will not believe your eyes! Not for the weak of heart... trust me!
Dustin "FIVE" Starr was in attendance at the Memphis Redbirds baseball game, this afternoon, as the Redbirds took on the Round Rock Express! Not only did Five Starr attend the event... but he was invited inside the radio broadcast booth to help out with the game! Five Starr donned the headset and sat in front of the mic. for an inning or two, as he gave his input on the ballgame! For more pictures of this fun event, check out the PICS section of the site. Five Starr with a Harry Carey memorabilia? Check it out!
From the Redbirds baseball game today... what have the Posse started? Please... anyone have an answer for THIS?
These pictures have just arrived at DUSTIN STARR.COM! Last weekend, there was another big fishing trip! This time around, Five Starr and partner in crime Sammy were able to snag 35 fish and ended up keeping 25 of them! You talk about a mess! Are there any fish left in the lake!? For more info on the fishing trips, check out the BLOG section of the site!
The show was actually delayed about 45 minutes to accomadate the huge crowd! With over 400 fans turning out at the National Guard Armory, TLCW had their biggest night in history! A new TLCW Heavyweight Champion was crowned in Brian Christopher's victory over The Golden Boy (Thank God!)! Flash was able to defeat Tim Grind in the first ever TLCW Cage Match! Rhythm and Blues captured the TLCW Tag Team titles in a victory over C4P! And Christopher O'Neal made a triumphant return to the ring, as he got a little revenge over Five Starr! You don't see it happen much... but Starr was pinned clean in the middle of the ring in the big Six Man tag team match! What's next? TLCW is making history!
FIVE STARR EXCLUSIVE: Just a few weeks back in his LAW title defense against Brian Christopher, Five Starr slightly fractured his right wrist. Since then, if you have noticed, Five Starr has it heavily taped for support. He did not go to the hospital, for the mere fact that they would just put a cast on it and be done. Starr wrestled the very next night in TLCW... and continues to wrestle through the pain. The wrist is probably at about 75% now, but will have no effect on the outcome of the match at MAYHEM!
There has been talk and rumors of a brand new Five Starr DVD in the works. It has been talked about for quite a while now... but Five Starr has turned down the offer, so far. When this DVD happens, it will be the best of the best. It will outshine Seth Knight... it will demolish Austin Lane... and it will be more golden than the Golden Boy's. When this DVD goes in the works... it will be a MUST-BUY!
If you click the image above, you will see pictures that will be remembered forever as the grand finale of TLCW's first big show of their existance! It was headlined by a Loser Leaves Town Barbwire Match that pitted two former friends... and now bitter enemies, one on one with everything on the line! Dustin "FIVE" Starr versus Christopher O'Neal. After a bruising match, Five Starr stood tall and defeated O'Neal.
Now, just a few months later, another big show is on the horizon. This Saturday night in Ripley, TN at the National Guard Armory... Five Starr is still on top! This time around, Five Starr will bring his tag team demolition squad known as Genocide with him to face Hot Topic and Christopher O'Neal!
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Five Starr continues to be the most hated man in TLCW... and he continues to be the one man TLCW can actually count on to get things done. Who will knock him off his throne? Will it be Hot Topic? Will O'Neal finally get the job done, off him being newly reinstated? Only time will tell.
This Saturday night in Ripley, TN at the National Guard Armory... TLCW presents MAYHEM! Hot Topic & Christopher O'Neal versus Five Starr & Genocide in a six man tag team battle that pits Five Starr and Chris O'Neal on opposite sides, once again! Also to appear, The Golden Boy defends his TLCW Championship (ugh!) against Brian Christopher! This show is the biggest in the history of TLCW, so don't miss it!
You read it correctly! In February of this year, Five Starr defeated Chris O'Neal in a Loser Leaves Town Barbwire Match! Photos are in the PICS area... and Five Starr won! O'Neal had to quit TLCW and head out of town. But now, with a new commissioner, he's been reinstated to teach Five Starr a lesson! We have definitely not heard the last of this, by Five Starr. Look for a fight to the finish, as Five Starr is highly upset about beating O'Neal... and forcing him into TLCW retirement... only to have him come back a few months later! What will happen? We will see at MAYHEM!
MAY 8TH, 2007
Tons of rumors are circulating the internet and the phone lines about LAW and their future. Five Starr, their Heavyweight Champion, resigned just a few days ago. Brian Christopher was told not to come back because of financial reasons. It's reported that Derrick King will no longer work for the company, either. But here's the DUSTIN STARR.COM exclusive news:
There was a phone call made to the entire LAW crew (wrestlers), to see if they still wanted to work the show in Rector every week. After these phone calls, it was determined that almost NONE of the wrestlers even want to return to the town! So, it can be continued by one of two ways. Either they can shut their doors and finally be done losing money hand over fist. Or they can simple book new talent and overpay them to travel from Memphis to do absolutely nothing for the company, again. Let's face it, now that Kelly Warner has quit, the truth is coming out about everything. Apparently, they can't pay their top guys a dime, but they can bring in others for double the money and to do less.
Regardless, that's the story... and our opinion here at DUSTIN STARR.COM is this: they will close down.
MAY 7TH, 2007
New blog has been posted! Suprising message from a former LAW official! Don't miss this one!
MAY 6TH, 2007
Here's the official word from the current LAW Heavyweight Champion, Five Starr:
"I've been with LAW since the very beginning. I've had fun... I've been miserable... I've made good money... I've made horrible money (or no money at all). I've done a lot of favors for that crew for way too long. I'm done doing favors. It's time that I part ways with LAW. I will no longer wrestle for LAW, from this day forward. I have relinquished the LAW Championship belt... and this is my final notice. I quit."
Picture Perfect is now on! WWE's webshow Heat, is where you can watch all the action! We, here at DUSTIN STARR.COM, thought Picture Perfect had a very good showing, so let's see what you think! Here's a link straight to it:
Congrats goes out to the team of John Everett and Christian Jacobs!
MAY 2ND, 2007
"My adventure into the fishing world was a pretty good one, as you can see. A hard day's work? Nah! Not when you have a fishing partner like I do! Click on the BLOG button for the newest blog about my fishing trip on Sunday morning!"
When asked for a statement regarding this wrestling show, Five Starr had this to say...
"No comment..."
Something tells me that this isn't the last we've heard about this subject... beware!
*see hall of shame section for more details
A few brand new pics have been added to the PICS section of the site! Just remember this: NEVER BE SURPRISED AS TO WHO THEY LET INSIDE A WRESTLING RING!
The last person that you would think would enjoy a day of fishing would be Five Starr. Well, guess what... he's a Five Starr Fisherman for sure! Many people read the site early in the morning, as they just get into the office for a day's work. Well, if you're reading this right now, check back today around 6pm and see the proof! Also, when you check back, there will be a brand new blog about the fishing trip on Sunday! Funny stories that can't be missed. And if you're a fisherman yourself, some of the stories might sound familiar... because we hear that it happens to everyone at least once.
6pm - new pictures and a brand new blog!
Tomorrow night in Keiser, AR at the Keiser school, don't miss Five Starr versus Brian Christopher! Christopher was last seen in LAW when Five Starr defeated him for the LAW title... and sent him packing in a loser leaves LAW match! Why is Grand Master coming back? Who the heck knows? I guess the answer will be shed in Keiser, AR... or maybe even Rector the very next night! Tons of LAW action is on the horizon in the next few weeks... don't miss it!
MAY 1ST, 2007
"Alan Steel and Picture Perfect were at the Nashville RAW broadcast, last night. Alan Steel was actually booked to wrestle Viscera but it was changed for unknown reasons. This always seems to happen to Alan. It's actually happened where he was booked to wrestle someone... and then, they put me in his spot. Or they even put someone else in his spot. I really think that if Alan could actually work on the shows again and have someone actually watch the match... he could possibly get a job. It's just bad luck on his part. He had a speaking role on RAW one time... that was great. But then, the next night at the Smackdown tapings, it kept him from wrestling on the show. They thought the people would remember him. So, he gets good breaks and bad ones. He had a bad one this time around."
"Picture Perfect, on the other hand, wrestled the Highlanders. I was sure that it would be a decent enough match, and the report that I got, it was decent. One spot was kinda messed up, from what I hear, but all in all... they had a good turnout. Will they get jobs? Who knows? I guess only time will tell. But this is a big step for those guys, for sure. They've worked hard and I'm glad that it paid off. Might not be with a contract, but it has with the booking of a lifetime. They're not easy to come by (WWE bookings, that is)"
"Last night just goes to show you how messed up the wrestling business is sometimes. You have a good tag team in Picture Perfect who were just pushed to the side in Memphis Wrestling. You have a great singles wrestler (or tags for that matter) who is good enough to get WWE bookings constantly, but Memphis won't set eyes on him. It's just weird how these things workout. Don't get me wrong... Memphis Wrestling would use these guys, no doubt. But they probably wouldn't use them like they should. You know how that goes."
APRIL 30TH, 2007
As we speak, Alan Steel and Picture Perfect are in Nashville, TN attending the WWE RAW television broadcast. These men were booked for dark matches, extra spots, or possibly even more. Alan Steel has made several trips to WWE shows and is looking for his big break. Could this be it? Picture Perfect made a big impression at the WWE camp in April... will their dreams come true, as well?
More information on the situation as it becomes known.
Five Starr will return to LAW this Thursday night in Keiser, AR. Rumor has it, Grand Master Sexay is getting ready to make a return to LAW despite losing a loser leaves town match. It is also rumored that he will make an appearance in Rector, AR, as well. Five Starr definitely won't be happy about this.
APRIL 25TH, 2007
"I've been asked just about everywhere I go about this show coming up at the FedEx Forum. Well, here is the answer to all of your questions: NO. No, I will not be at the Memphis Wrestling FedEx Forum show. I plan on being in Rector, AR to defend my LAW Heavyweight Championship belt. Why? Well, I haven't been asked to be on the Forum show. That really sucks... but what are you gonna do? Actually, I don't think that ANY of the Memphis wrestlers will be on the Memphis Wrestling show this Friday night. What a bummer huh?"
"I'd really like to go into further detail about it... but I wouldn't want to discuss a show that I have nothing to do with on my website. If something changes in the next few days, I'll let you all know."
"Nope. Sorry. I was contacted about making a return to New Blood Wrestling several times within just a few days of last week. Apparently, the road was paved for me to make a return to Dyersburg. Interestingly enough, they even mapped out a way for all of this to happen. After their big show with Rikishi, they planned to really pack the building out again... but to no avail. You have to give the fans something that they can look forward to. I don't think NBW really had any plans to try to bring those people back who went to the Spring Breakout show. You definitely don't change bookers in the process of all this. I understand that Mo will be back. But you HAVE to find a suitable replacement. And no, I will not be that replacement. Would I consider that job? Possibly. Depends on how much they would like to listen... and how much they would like to pay me for it. But that's neither here nor there. I don't know how rumors come about, but they should all be cleared up, now. Have a nice day... and oh yeah! Jeremy Moore's hair STILL sucks!
For some odd reason, Tripod was malfunctioning on the DUSTIN STARR.COM account! All is back to normal now... we hope! What have we missed? We've missed a bunch!
The Perfect Showcase has run a muck in the professional wrestling world, Matt Boyce teamed up with Five Starr to go head to head with CWA Tag Team Champions - The Posse, Lawler / Hogan fiasco has gone on and been over with, NBW in negotiations AGAIN to bring Five Starr back to Dyersburg, Memphis Wrestling not showing any love to their core-roster, and big shows on the horizon for LAW (Rector, AR) and TLCW (Ripley, TN)!
Five Starr will dabble in a little bit of everything, later this afternoon! Be sure to check back later today! It should be interesting!
Yes? No? Maybe? The new Lifeguard tag team... yay or nay? You be the judge!
APRIL 8TH, 2007
Once again, a big weekend for the one and only Perfect Showcase! Hot off the heels of a huge weekend, introducing the hottest group formed in this area in a LONG time... the Showcase didn't fail to deliver, this weekend! Tearing through the competition in LAW (Rector, AR) and then again in TLCW (Ripley, TN), the Perfect Showcase has been unstoppable as of late! Can anyone stop this faction of five star athletes? Or are they really simply... PERFECT?
Whatcha' gonna do, brother, when the most extreme wrestler in the Mid-South comes for you!? Whatcha' gonna do!? Flashamania has been running wild on TLCW! And this Friday night in Tunica, MS at Sam's Town Casino... What's Derrick King gonna do? DK versus Flash is scheduled for Friday night, so don't miss out on this one!
Also, if you're wanting more Flashamania, go to the photos section, because there's even more there!
All new photos have been added to the PICS section! "Playboy" Matt Foley (pictured) has finally made the site, as well as pictures of Flashamania running wild! And if that's not enough for you, then check out the brutally beaten and bloody Flash Flanagan on the new photos! He's drenched in blood! Not for the weak of heart! Check them out!
LAW scheduled an LAW Heavyweight Championship match on Friday evening, pitting the Champion versus the number one contender. The Champion being Five Starr and the challenger being Derrick King. An independent dream match, to most. After a very impressive showing by the challenger, Five Starr was able to hang on to the LAW title after the Perfect Showcase flexed their strength in numbers.
Then, on Saturday night... Derrick King made another challenge. A rematch of epic proportions pitted the same two men on the very next night. The outcome was very similar... DK laying flat on his back in a pile of his on humility. The Perfect Showcase not only disposed of Derrick King, but they also took care of Stan Lee, as well. Hot Topic reformed? Does it matter? Not to the Showcase, I guarantee ya that!
APRIL 1ST, 2007
"Tonight's the biggest night of the year in sports entertainment! It's time for Wrestlemania 23! A few big matches are planned, and it's a FOUR HOUR SHOW. Kinda reminds me of Ripley's TLCW. Anyways, I would like to go right ahead and give my professional predictions on what to expect tonight, at the biggest show on earth..."
1) - The Great Kahli over Kane
2) - ECW Originals over ECW New Breed
3) - Chris Benoit over MVP
4) - Melina over Ashley
5) - Jeff Hardy wins the Money in the Bank Ladder Match
6) - Lashley w/ Trump over Umaga w/ McMahon & Brutus Beefcake shaves the loser
7) - Undertaker over Batista
8) - Shawn Michaels over John Cena
"There's my Five Starr Predictions, right there. I sure hope Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake makes an appearance. I love Beefcake. And for those of you who don't know Brutus..."
"Should be a good show, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm going to be watching it LIVE!"
"I just want to post a quick comment about the entire Matt Boyce situation. For those of you who do not know... I trained Matt. Matt's the one and only guy that I've ever even taken the time with to train and never even made a dollar off the kid. Didn't need to. Matt has something very special that will be revealed to the world, one day. As long as he continues to get better in the ring and with his physical appearance, the sky is the limit for Matt."
"Matt has done things in this business that most professional wrestlers will NEVER do. He's only been in the business maybe ten months and he's still accomplished more than most. That's not bragging, but I'm damn proud of my boy. Also, it's a fact. And for someone who has absolutely no knowledge of what the hell they're talking about, to say that Matt was undeserving of the spot... or that he's only there because he's a 'flavor of the month' or whatever... that's just sour grapes and jealousy talking. Maybe it's a guy that's never been anywhere and never done anything in this business and he just can't take it when a younger guy with less experience does something in less than a year than that dude could do in his entire career (if he even has one)."
"How can you say anyone is undeserving of anything? Do you know Matt? Do you know how hard he's worked? Do you know what the kid goes through each and every week just to get to the shows that he's working now? Do you know the beatings this kid has taken week in and week out, just paying dues... earning respect... and trying to get ahead in a business full of giants? How can you say that ANY wrestler is undeserving when you have guys getting WWE deals when they aren't even interested in wrestling at all?"
"This business is about opportunity. And for Matt, opportunity was knocking. You wanna blame the guy for answering the door? You're an idiot for thinking that. And by the way, being a flavor of the month? Take it for what you will... but there's plenty of flavor of the months that currently hold jobs in the wrestling business. Being liked by ONE person in this business could very well be enough to set you up with a fat contract and money to take care of you for the rest of you life."
"Get a life."
As early as tomorrow, new pictures of the Perfect Showcase will be posted! You can't miss this! Five Starr, Jon Michael, and Christian Jacobs are definitely the epitamy of five starr athletes!
Created with nothing but Five Starr Athletes, the Perfect Showcase has been formed. United are one of the best tag teams in the Mid-South and one of the meanest, toughest, sexiest singles wrestlers in the land... Picture Perfect and Dustin FIVE Starr!
LAW was the first stop, as Matt Boyce and Jeff Jamison were the first targets... and they were nothing to dismantle. Then, came LAW owners and operators Jeff O'Dell and Kelly Warner. Taking no prisoners, at all... Five Starr was seen almost being taken to jail after an altercation at ringside with a police officer.
Then, came TLCW. Dominating Stan Lee, Matt Boyce, Tatt2, and Chris Lexx... The Perfect Showcase once again took over the show. The Showcase is definitely not here to make friends... and they absolutely love enemies. But when you're THAT good... who needs any other friends?
Who will stop this fromation of greatness?
MARCH 29TH, 2007
"On Saturday night, I got a few calls from some of the guys that were at the show in Dyersburg, TN. Something huge went down, there... and it wasn't good news either. Apparently, Kilo was at ringside for Alan Steel's match... and he ended up punching a 13-year-old boy in the face a few times. He broke the kid's nose. Now, I've heard several different sides of this story... and I've read a few different sides on the internet."
"Seems to me like the internet is defending Kilo for all he's worth. I'm sure it's a few of his friends that are trying to keep him out of trouble, and I don't blame them. But the fact of the matter is this: you should NEVER hit a fan. Especially, a kid. Some stories say that Kilo was pushed. Big deal. When I worked for NBW, I was pushed several times, but never hit anyone. Then, I've heard that Kilo was defending himself. Well, to me self-defense is when you're attacked. Shoving someone is hardly an attack, unless the video shows that he was shoved to the ground or just extremely hard. Usually, fans are too scared to get that rough with a wrestler."
"Now, let me get this straight... I like Kilo. I never have or had a problem with the dude. But the story I heard from someone who was there and saw it first-hand was this:"
"Kilo got into an argument with the fan. No big deal. Then, all of a sudden, they get into a scuffle and Tank comes and breaks the whole thing up (supposedly) by placing a rear naked choke on the kid. Just trying to pull the kid away. But then, BOOM... Kilo got in his few punches when Tank was holding him and that's what got the kid's nose broken. Kilo got in a few cheap punches, ALLEGEDLY. So, that's the story I heard."
"And in my opinion, just like the headline states... this will kill NBW for good. I heard that fans had left the show after this happened. You know what? You can't beat up your fans. And I would be saying the same thing here if it happened to one of my close friends... or even to me. But I wouldn't let it get this far, I'm sure. Unless, there was real reason for it. And from what I hear, there wasn't any reason. NBW will not live this down. They will shut their doors very soon because they just won't be able to function properly with this hanging over their head."
"I'm laughing the loudest here because I think it's so funny that what goes around comes around. Dale Walker can kiss off and I hope he gets sued himself over all this. RIP NBW. HAHAHAHA!!"
"There's a lot of speculation going on around the internet on message boards and such on exactly what happened with Matt Boyce on Tuesday. This is story because if anyone knows... it's FIVE STARR. Matt was invited to go to Smackdown and ECW's tapings in Grand Rapids, Michigan on Tuesday. He made the trip and got paid to be there. He did not wrestle an actual match, but Matt did participate in a segment on Smackdown. He will be on national television on Friday night, so check it out."
"That's the story. Simple as that. Now, let the hate begin. I'm proud of Matt for what he's accomplished in the short time that he's been in the business (not even a year, yet). Now, we'll take the next step for Matt. I will put him through some workouts to get him bigger and to get him better in the ring. Watch out for MIGHTY MATT BOYCE in the years to come."
MARCH 27TH, 2007
Matt Boyce is in Grand Rapids, Michigan at this very moment at the ECW / Smackdown tapings! Whether Matt will actually appear on the shows or not is another story... but he was booked, and he is there! Matt could very well be involved in some way, shape or form tonight to build for Wrestlemania! Keep your eyes peeled for ECW tonight and Smackdown on Friday night!
"There is a new addition to my family. In the picture above is none other than my brand new pet... it's a Pacman Frog named Rocky! He's a really cool animal that eats crickets, small mice, worms, and can even bite your finger right off if you mess with him! He's got teeth like a tiger. He doesn't move around much... he just chills out. He's a relaxing animal that's kind of exotic around here. I'll keep you informed on the progress. I've been trying hard to get him on tape eating a mouse so I can show you all."
"As you all may well know, I wasn't involved with any wrestling last weekend. Actually, I had to attend and participate in a few of my friend's wedding. I was a groomsman and I actually had a lot of fun doing it. I had my camera present and was able to take a few good pictures. And yes, it took place on Saturday DURING the Memphis Tigers Elite Eight game... so THAT'S why they lost! Because I wasn't able to watch them! I also met my brand new best friend and number one fan named TJ! Check him out!"
"Those guys behind us probably think I'm nuts! TJ knows all about wrestling and who's doing what in what organization. Hopefully, I'll be able to bring him to the TV studio one morning for the Memphis Wrestling tapings. He'd really enjoy that. I had fun... but this weekend coming up... it's time to kick back into gear!"
"I'm a collector of a bunch of different stuff. I love to collect DVDs (just bought Rocky Balboa and Pursuit of Happiness), football figures (only Marino, Manning, and maybe Elway), Miami Dolphins stuff, and I like to collect my favorite wrestler's figures. Now that WWE is releasing the Classics figures, I can collect some of the guys that I grew up watching and emulate in the ring now. So, I just added to my collection with the purchase of Ravishing Rick Rude. If you look at the Tribute section of the site, you'll see Rick Rude there. One of the coolest characters of all time. The only man to appear on RAW and Nitro on the same night at the same time (other than Shane McMahon). Rude was awesome, and I'm glad I found him."
"Also, I found the first ever figure of Kevin Thorne. For those of you who are wondering why I would buy this figure... well, Kevin used to wrestle here in Memphis under the name Seven. I was fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to work with him and really take some beatings from the guy. He slapped me on the back so hard one night as a rib, I had his hand print embedded into my skin and it swelled up. You could see this huge hand on my back for a week. Anyway, Kevin's a cool dude. It's always good to be able to support one of you friends who makes it in the business like he did."
MARCH 18TH, 2007
Shelbyville, TN was the site and they were not disappointed, as the Lifeguards defeated Picture Perfect in their debut match! The fans were on their feet and going wild for the newest edition of the popular tag-team of Dustin Starr and Shane Williams! Picture Perfect fought as hard as they possibly could... but to no avail. The momentum from the fans deemed too much for Picture Perfect, as the Lifeguards got the pinfall!
Brand new pictures of the newest tag-team, The Lifeguards, will be available on DUSTIN STARR.COM very shortly! Be sure to check back within the next few days to witness the tag-team that will turn the wrestling world upside down with their surfing tactics, their supersoaker water guns, and of coarse those pesky whistles they like to whale on during their match!
DUSTIN STARR.COM will have many new shots of your favorite tag-team!
MARCH 15TH, 2007
"Take a look at this crap. The suit... the hair... the hair-color. I know it's a good look, but DAMN. This dude has totally stolen my entire look. From the suits and ties, to the way the hair is styled... all the way to the hair color! And I thought I was the only one crazy enough to have a hairdo like this!"
"I'll be expecting the check in the mail, anyday now. It's gimmick infringement!"
"I'm voting this guy OFF American Idol next week."
MARCH 14TH, 2007
A brand new blog has been posted! Check it out to find out about who Five Starr has chosen to go all the way in March Madness! Also, check out what he has to say about the boys who read the website... and JAMIE DUNDEE has a shoot interview out! Check out the preview on the BLOG section of this site! It's a MUST SEE!
"I know I'm not the only one who is psyched up about NCAA March Madness this year! Especially, living in Memphis and being a huge fan of the hometown team! I know there is a slew of people out there who fill out their brackets every single year, in hopes to get a perfect bracket. For what? Well, just for fun! This year, I will not only fill out my bracket... but I will post it online right here at DUSTIN STARR.COM! You will be able to find my bracket later on this evening in the BLOGS section of this site."
"I must warn you, I am a bit of a homer. But Memphis does not get their due and does not get ANY respect around the world. So... I would like to just say this: GO TIGERS GO!"
MARCH 13TH, 2007
You read it correctly, the popular tag team known as THE LIFEGUARDS are back! Coming March 17th to Shelbyville, TN, Shane Williams and Dustin Starr will make their debut at the National Guard Armory! A huge crowd is expected, as The Lifeguards start their trip to the top of the wrestling world! Don't miss out! DUSTIN STARR.COM will have brand new images of these two men as a team! If you're in the area, come and check these guys out!
Brand new pictures have been added in the FIVE STARR PHOTO GALLERY! Pictures from Derrick King, Matt Boyce, The Posse, and even Girl Candy Christian Jacobs! Check them out by clicking the PICS link on the side of the page! More to come, very soon!
There is absolutely no shame in loving this website. If you love it, love it. Don't be scared to love it. Here at DUSTIN STARR.COM, we understand that some of the wrestlers around the area read this site... let us rephrase that. ALL of the wrestlers around the area read this site, but they constantly deny it. You don't have to be ashamed. It's a revolutionary website that states 100% truth about the feelings of Five Starr himself. You don't have to be scared to admit you read it and love it... afterall, Five Starr isn't scared about posting it.
You know who you haters and deniers are. Just take a deep breath, sit back, calm down and admit... you're a mark for this site. Now, isn't that much better? Being truthful to yourself is great for self-esteem. Love the site. Check back for more updates in the very near future. We love the hits, too!
MARCH 10TH, 2007
What a way to debut a new home... what a home coming party... Five Starr and Brian Christopher headlined the event in a Championship match that sent the loser packing their bags and heading out of the company! Here is a snap shot of a match in progress... but this gives you a slight idea of the arena. It needs work... but the work is in the process right now. The lighting for cameras wasn't that great (as you can see), but it's a good visual for you to come and check it out yourself!
Last night, LAW crowned a new Heavyweight Champion... and Brian Christopher was sent out of the company for good! That's right, Five Starr defeated Grand Master Sexay for the coveted Championship and won the loser leaves town match! There was much confusion as to the conclusion of the match because of Derrick King and Flash Flanagan... but Five Starr DID get the pinfall. More on this story as it comes...
MARCH 7TH, 2007
A huge congratulations goes out to Picture Perfect for the biggest booking of their lives! After making a good impression at the WWE Camp a few weeks back, they are finally scheduled for WWE's RAW on April 30th! Also, look for these guys to be at the ECW/Smackdown tapings the very next night in Birmingham, AL. So far, DUSTIN STARR.COM is right... read the previous blogs and you'll see that the predictions so far are right on!
MARCH 4TH, 2007
Last night in Ripley, TN's TLCW, Five Starr was reinstated into the company and he issued a challenge to Stan Lee for his TLCW Championship belt! The one stipulation was to earn the match, Five Starr actually put his attorney's hair on the line! This is a behind-the-scenes view of the haircut that Stan Lee gave Marcus Cochran (attorney) after he beat Five Starr! What a mess!
After the TLCW show, Five Starr was able to fix the mess that Stan Lee had made. Marcus Cochran is now sporting the trendy and ever so popular FIVE STARR HAIR-DO! Check it out! Soon, everyone will be cutting their hair this way!
MARCH 3RD, 2007
Due to the new stories posted on RasslinRiotOnline.Com, there is a new Blog posted about it! You want to hear Five Starr's side of the story, click the Blog button to find out! Massive ego, dull in the ring, better when he was smaller, and just being a prick? Well, you be the judge!
MARCH 1ST, 2007
The WWE Hall of Fame is becoming much larger than just the WWE Hall of Fame. Take Verne Gagne for instance... he was the brains behind the AWA. He was much like the Jerry Lawler of Memphis. And then, take Jerry Lawler... he did most of his great stuff in Memphis. So, the WWE Hall of Fame is becoming a worldwide wrestling hall of fame. Not just for the WWE/WWF guys... it's much bigger. And by the way, for the record, I think both men deserve to be in the WWE Hall of Fame. But if you click on the Five Starr Showcase section of the site, we have a very good question for everyone about the wrestling hall of fame... the WWE Hall of Fame. It's a discussion, so to speak. We, here at DUSTIN STARR.COM, would like to hear from everyone on this topic... so click over there and get to reading!
Don't miss out on all the action of Memphis Wrestling tomorrow night at Sam's Town Casino! Five Starr will be in action! Bring the kids and friends and come out to meet Five Starr in living color at the majestic Sam's Town Casino!
Belltime is 7:30pm! Don't miss out!
This site has hit big numbers over the last week! The month of February surpassed the month of January! We almost hit the 4,000 mark for the month of February! So, we ( appreciate the support and the interest in the site! We will continue to do our best by giving you the news and scoops that you want to hear! I'm glad everyone's enjoying it... but it's going to be a whole lot better in the near future! Thank you all.
That's right, two days in a row! New blogs are posted for everyone to read! Yesterday, the update about what happened at the camp... today is what happened along the way! Road trips are memorable for the guys in the business. We all know that. But you want to hear some of the funny stories and see some funny pictures about what went down during and after the trip? Check out the blog for all the behind-the-scenes pranks!
Five Starr was one of several wrestlers from the Memphis area that attended the WWE Camp in Nashville, TN over the weekend!
For those of you who aren't familiar with talent relations in the WWE, the head of the department is none other than Simon Dean aka Mike Bucci. Bucci held the camp to take a look at the talent pool around the Mid-South. Those who attended were none other than Five Starr, Alan Steel, Matt Boyce, Jon Michael, Christian Jacobs and Alex Krisis. What a list of wrestlers that is! Feedback for all competitors was great and there should be some waves made in the WWE system from those names very soon!
Check out Five Starr's newest BLOG by hitting the button on the side. He goes into a little detail about what exactly happened at the camp!
"I'm a huge Anna Nicole fan. Have been for a long time. I LOVED her television show. She was great when she was in Naked Gun (movie) too. I have always liked her. Fat, skinny, ugly, or hot... she was great to watch. You never knew what she might do next. It sucks that she died, but it sucks even more about what's going on now. Someone please bury this woman. Put her next to her son, for crying out loud. Why would you not? The real conflict hasn't even started yet. Wait til you see what happens with her poor baby. Is that little girl ever going to get what should be hers? The money and all should go to the only child she has left. You would think that your mother would like for you to be taken care of when she's gone... but this child will probably never see anything that her mother leaves her."
"Just checking in to tell everyone that even though this big mockery is going on with the funeral and paternity stuff... I'm a huge mark for Anna Nicole Smith. I'll miss her, for sure."
Brand new photos from last week's TLCW show have been posted on the FIVE STARR PHOTOS section of the site! You can see a bloody Derrick King being brutally beaten by Jethro, you can see Five Starr and Stan Lee, and you can even see the action that took place right as the show ended! Check them out!
It's only February of the new year and we've already posted one wrestling death... and now there's another to add to the list. The year hasn't started off very well for the wrestling business, as we've lost another. Mike Awesome was found dead in his Tampa, FL home on Monday. It's seems to be a suicide, as of right now. He was actually hanging in his home, when he was found.
"I never actually met Mike Awesome, but I was a fan of his work. A huge man like that moving around and flying off the top rope like he did was crazy. I always wondered why he didn't have a spot anywhere with WWE or TNA, cuz he was a talented big man. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and to his friends, for sure."
"Most of the time, when I'm at home and I'm watching the TV, you'll find me watching VH1. It's the greatest television station today. I think my favorite show would have to be The Surreal Life Fame Games, right now. All these crazy celebrities fighting it out in competition to see who's the best? Who wouldn't love that? Especially, with all the drama going on in that house. Second would have to be Hogan Knows Best. It might be staged and all, but Hulk Hogan is a cool dude. Working out, drinking beer, and spending money. That's awesome. Hogan's a cool guy. He's definitely one of the boys. I also love watching I Love New York and The White Rapper Show. White Rapper Show is totally annoying to me. I'm embarrassed sometimes at the stuff they say and do... but I'm addicted! I'm hooked! I love it! The New York show is great too. I just wish someone would whip White Boy's ass!"
"Now, for my predictions. The winner of the Fame Games would have to be... VANILLA ICE. Duh! He's the best on there... and he's still cool to this day. For New York... I'd have to go out on a limb and say Chance will win. He's a total thug and I hate the guy on the show. I'm a big fan of 12 Pack though. He's a cool guy and he can hold his liquor. As for The White Rapper Show, it's a no-contest. John Brown is the King of the Burbz for a reason... he's gonna whipe his ass with Shamrock."
"You heard it here, first! VH1 is the coolest station around. And if you don't beleive me, check it out!"
Breaking news over the weekend, Five Starr has been invited to attend a WWE Camp being held by talent relations man Mike Bucci! Bucci is holding the camp in Nashville, TN on Saturday February 24th! For those of you who do not know what a WWE Camp is: it's a camp put together by World Wrestling Entertainment to evaluate talent for possible contracts and positions within the WWE.
As most of you already know, Five Starr wrestled on Smackdown and Heat just a few months back. Also, Five Starr was seen on several Monday Night RAW appearances throughout the year, as well.
It's another step on the way to the top for Dustin Starr. Will 2007 be an even bigger year than 2006 for Starr? Only time will tell...
"TLCW's recent attempt to fire me was nothing more than a joke. There is no way in hell they can afford to fire me even if they wanted to. My attorney, Marcus Cochran (the son of Johnny Cochran), looked over my contract from top to bottom and has revealed that it is an iron-clad, FIVE STARR contract... and there's NO WAY I can be fired."
"So, with that said, I can do what I want, when I want, to whoever I want. And I did just that on Saturday night. Stan Lee, that was the beginning of your nightmare. The end will come soon when I beat you for the TLCW Heavyweight title. You know it, I know it... and so do all the people. Thank you very much."
"This is just a little fun thing I might start doing. I'm a huge movie fan. I have a HUGE DVD collection. I have hundreds of them. One of my most recent buys was none other than The Rock's movie, Grid Iron Gang. My thoughts? I thought it was outstanding. Being a former football player myself (and a damn good one at that), I thought the movie was pretty true to life. Football isn't just a sport, it's a way of life when you're in the middle of the season. Heck, even in the offseason. Football is a addictive, just like wrestling. Once you get in, you just can't get out. And The Rock was frickin' awesome in the movie."
"I'd suggest that anyone who likes The Rock or football, check this one out. It's pretty damn good."
Well, we all know what this means! It's a universal sign language, and it's directed towards the "promoters" (we use that term very loosely) in Harrisburg, AR! When you run and show and you book guys for a show... they expect you to come through on your word. There has been NO word from anyone on this show. Phone calls and e-mails have not been returned and that's a very unprofessional thing to do. We here at DUSTIN STARR.COM will make sure that these "promoters" have a hard time not only running shows... but they will NOT work anywhere around this area if we have anything to say about it. Guys like them have no reason even attempting to run a show.
From all of us here at DUSTIN STARR.COM, we want to wish everyone a very Happy Valentine's Day! Remember to take your Valentine out to eat tonight... buy her/him something very nice that they would absolutely love... and maybe you're night will end with a bang! No point intended (or is there?)! Have fun!
It is being reported that Dustin Starr suffered a foot injury of some kind on the second Memphis Wrestling television taping, Saturday afternoon. The injury occured during a match with Hillbilly Jethro.
At first, it seemed like a serious sprain of some kind. Later in the evening, Five Starr sucked it up and wrestled one helluva match with TLCW Heavyweight Champion, Stan Lee. The injury seemed fine during the match... but before and after that match, he was limping on the foot.
The injury seems to be healing very well, so far. His workout regimine has been altered just a tad, as the cardio is limited to the bike exercise and legs will be out of the question this week. Five Starr will be in action this weekend, despite the injury.
It appears as though the Harrisburg, AR show is in question for this weekend. No word on whether the show is a go or not, as the camp of Five Starr has had no contact with the promoters for weeks now. If you have any information regarding this wrestling show or situation, please contact DUSTIN STARR.COM at
Five Starr was actually FIRED from TLCW, last night! In the TLCW Heavyweight Championship match between Five Starr and the defending Champion, Stan Lee... things got a little out of hand! Lots of interference from Jethro and Derrick King lead to a disqualification, costing Five Starr a chance to win the title. From there, Starr punched out referee Bill Rush and was about to attack a defenseless Stan Lee with a steel chair... until the CEO and Owner of TLCW kept that from happening! Tim Cummings, protecting his company and Champion, stopped Starr from using the chair... so in return, Starr punched HIM out too!
Tim fired Starr right on the spot... in front of the entire LIVE audience! Starr has threatened legal action and TLCW could very well be in trouble. Cumming had no business in the ring... he grabbed Starr first... and publicly humiliating a professional wrestler in front of a crowd could be grounds for slander. More on this story as it develops. But as of right now, Five Starr will NOT be back in TLCW.
Wrestling action returns to Harrisburg, AR's National Guard Armory! FIVE STARR, Grand Master Sexay, Matt Boyce, the Epidemic, and many more will be on hand for this one! This is the beginning of a beautiful brawl! Don't miss out on this night of wrestling action!
First, the newsbites: LAW has rescheduled their next event for March 9th inside their brand new LAW Building! That show will be the beginning of a weekly LAW live event! Every Friday night, as of March 9th and beyond, there will be a live event in Rector, AR! March 9th will feature the rematch between Grand Master Sexay Brian Christopher and Dustin FIVE Starr for the LAW Heavyweight Championship! Should be a huge night of action!
Also, there is a brand new blog in the BLOG section of the site. Five Starr talks about a recent ticket that he received on his way to a wrestling show. What was the ticket for? You'll just have to click, read, and find out yourself. Interesting read.
Check out the entire site, now! It's been totally revamped! The only thing missing is the AWARDS that FIVE STARR won in 2006! Those will be posted in a special place in the next day or so! Everything has been moved to the Archives, that way you can keep up with what's happened from update to update! We hope you love it! New colors! New banners! New pictures! Everything's new! Shoot an e-mail over and let us know what you think!
That's right, "Mighty" Matt Boyce, the FIVE STARR WRESTLING ACADEMY graduate will be making a return to TLCW this weekend! Hopefully, he'll be in a little better shape than he looks in this picture (what a rib!) Maybe he had a little too much to drink, there... anyway! It is unknown what exactly Matt will be doing... but his return has been in the works for quite some time!
A few quick snap shots to add onto the FIVE STARR PHOTOS page. Just click the button to the left and it'll take you right to it. A nasty picture of Flash Flanagan from TLCW Saturday night. It's pretty brutal... and it's a DUSITN STARR.COM exclusive! Also, to be added later tonight, a DUSTIN STARR.COM exclusive interview with FIVE STARR himself. Don't miss out on this one. It's short and straight to the point!
The vote from last week on who you would want to be representing your company as Tag Team Champions is done and over with! The winners? THE POSSE! And as the winners, they will be the first to be presented onto the DUSTIN STARR.COM FIVE STARR SHOWCASE! They will have DUSTIN STARR.COM exclusive photos and an interview! If you have any questions you would like to ask these guys, just send them into! I will gather all the information and it will be posted this weekend!
Also, if you check out the SHOWCASE section of the site, it has been updated! There will be a new poll put up by tomorrow night! It may be an indication as to who will be teh next inductee into the SHOWCASE!
"Peyton Manning finally wins the big one! I'm sure you're asking yourself, 'What's that have to do with Tim Grind?' Well, I'll tell you what it has to do with Tim Grind. He's a huge Chicago Bears fan and has been telling me all season long that DA BEARS would win the Super Bowl because Rex Grossman is a good QB. Well, not so fast, Tim! Colts win! And we did make a little bet on this game. No, we didn't bet money. Tim was actually maxed out on his betting (I wonder how much he lost?), so we made a friendly bet. Tim Grind must now ADMIT DEFEAT to me in the locker room at Memphis TV, this weekend!"
"Might not sound like much... but after all the trash he was talking, I can't wait to hear him admit he was WRONG! I'm not a huge Colts fan... I'm a Dolphin fan. But since Manning played for UT Vols... I have to root him on. I love Manning and I'm glad he finally did it. Get ready, Tim. I can't wait!"
"Are you kidding me? I actually got offered a spot on the card with this show. Then, I never heard from them again. I guess just because they have Sid Vicious advertised, they think this will be a good show. Well, I just got done reading the card and it sounds like nothing more than a small-time promotion... scratching all their money and change up to pay one guy. Other than Sid being there, this show is a big nothing. No offense to anyone actually ON the card... but I don't know ANYONE ON THE CARD! I feel sorry for anyone who pays to see this show."
"This is a quick letter to all my critics. Everyone who thinks they know exactly what's going to happen and when it's going to happen. Sure, it's easy to sit back and say, 'I knew that was gonna happen'. But the fact of the matter is this: you may say you don't like me, but you love to see what I'm going to do next. Admit it already. Why else would this website be getting so many hits. ESPECIALLY, on Sunday and Monday. You want to know what I'm gonna do... you love to hate me. That's great. I thank you all for visiting the site, and I'm glad I can entertain each and everyone of you week in and week out. In this business, if you don't enjoy being the entertainment... you need to quit, plain and simple."
"This time around, I will win the TLCW Heavyweight title from Stan Lee because in my opinion, he should never have won it in the first place. The ONLY reason he has that belt is because I ventured off to other parts of the state, while Stan was the only one left to wrestle for it."
"Thank you very much. Enjoy the site."
Picking up right where he left off... FIVE STARR has returned to TLCW! Never say never in the wrestling business! FIVE STARR returned to Ripley, TN Saturday night and made a HUGE impact! Derrick King thought he had won the #1 Contenders Royal Rumble... only to find out that he had one big, bad, mean, mad son of a gun on his way to spoil the party! FIVE STARR entered the ring and dominated DK with ease, as he tossed DK over the top to take the #1 Contendership!
Now, the next step for FIVE STARR is to face off wtih Stan Lee, one on one for the TLCW Heavyweight Championship! Speaking of Stan Lee, he went nose to nose with Starr, after the attack... only to be greeted in the most dishonorable manner. FIVE STARR SPIT IN STAN'S FACE!
Be sure to check out TLCW, next week! FIVE STARR SHOWCASE RETURNS!
Here is the Champion... right now. Stan Lee better be on the top of his game, next week, as FIVE STARR will be gunning for the Championship that has illuded him his entire career in TLCW. Starr looks to be THE MAN... just like he claims to be. After seeing what FIVE STARR did to Stan's tag partner, Derrick King, there's no telling what FIVE STARR has in store for Stan!
Be on the look-out for the DUSTIN STARR.COM EXCLUSIVE! What does that mean? Well, we had a camera crew backstage at the TLCW event Saturday night! The camera crew caught up with FIVE STARR just as he left the ring from his re-debut! Hear what Starr had to say about NBW, TLCW, Derrick King, Stan Lee, Flash Flanagan, Tim Grind and who knows what else! The interview will be presented from YouTube and posted right here on DUSTIN STARR.COM within the next day or so! Be sure to check back, it's an interview you won't wanna miss!
JANUARY 30TH, 2007
The poll that is going on in the SHOWCASE section will end on Thursday night at 10:00pm. So, get your votes in quickly! It's a tough race. The Posse and Picture Perfect are tied, at the moment. I'm a little surprised that there isn't more love for Too Cool II. Just a little surprised by that.
We love feedback. So, if you have any questions or suggestions. Send them over to Thanks!
JANUARY 29TH, 2007
All the updates that were promised, are up! Please submit a vote on the Showcase page! I will conduct an interview with the winners and post in on there for everyone to read. Should be some fun. Hall of Shame is totally restructured. You have to catch the Blog, too! It's an answer from FIVE STARR himself to everyone who has anything to say about the situation going on! Enjoy, and check back soon!
If you haven't read it, you better click on the BLOG right now! FIVE STARR unscrambles the mess that Brian Tramel is trying to create. FIVE STARR also answer ALL the critics about burning bridges, his ego, his ability, and much more! Check it out, it's a MUST READ!
JANUARY 28TH, 2007
As you can see, there are a few new things on the site. But later tonight, there will be a major difference. You'll see brand-new-never-before-seen pictures, as well as new features! FIVE STARR SHOWCASE will be updated, Blod will be updated, and the HALL OF SHAME will be updated as well! Look for a total revamp of the site on certain features! Also, if you want to know the story on FIVE STARR and NBW... check back, cuz you won't beleive what's going on now! Also, if you're a reader of, you might just be interested in what FIVE STARR has to say about Brian Tramel. This time, it's not fun and games!
Grand Master Sexay might have won the match and LAW title, but he certainly didn't win the war! FIVE STARR will forever be known for the deadly chairshot that splattered blood all over his OWN chest! The shot heard around the Mid-South... and here's the pictures to prove it!
This picture was taken shortly after Brian Christohper returned from the ring. Light headed, bloody, and possibly even concussed... that's the new LAW Heavyweight Champion.
After what took place last night in Dyerburg, TN speculation is running rampid. We cannot reveal the details of the matter just yet. Hopefully, we will be able to shed more light on the situation later on in the next few days. All we CAN say is this: Cops were called after (allegedly) Dustin went over the top in his wrestling match, fighting on the floor among the fans at ringside. Officials within the company confronted Dustin and the Dyerburg Police appeared on the scene.
That's all we can give you as of right now. More details will be posted as soon as they're cleared (by the police / court obviously). But as of right now, Dustin might not be back.
It wasn't pretty, as a bloody Brian Christopher defeated FIVE STARR for the LAW Heavyweight Championship belt! The Grand Master was busted wide open with a steel chair, as FIVE STARR tried everything he could to hang on to his Championship... to no avail! Grand Master Sexay nailed a superkick, after being busted wide open and then made the pinfall for the win!
Later on today, only on DUSTIN STARR.COM, we will not only have an update on the condition of Brian Christopher, but we will have actual FIVE STARR PHOTOS on the event, as well as the four-inch gash Brian has in his head! Don't miss this! Not for the weak-at-heart! JANUARY 26TH, 2007
Jameson Fightwear has done it again! He's the official costume designer for FIVE STARR... and here's another sample of his work! If you're interested in getting a custom pair of trunks, tights, or singlet made, "CLICK HERE!"
JANUARY 25TH, 2007
"You heard it here, first! My cousin, Scott, has officially signed a developmental deal with World Wrestling Entertainment! As of Monday, he is signed. Noone else has posted this news as of yet... except here at DUSTIN STARR.COM. You read the report I posted on here about him working on Heat and ECW... well, apparently they liked him so much that they just signed him up. I beleive he will be reporting to DSW in Atlanta, GA (WWE developmental territory). I wish him the best of luck."
"This signing is exactly what I and many of the other guys around this area needed. It just goes to show you that it CAN happen to you. All you have to do is get that big break. And when the break comes, it's all up to you. I hope Scott can set his family up (he has a wife) for the rest of their lives. He's not there yet, but he's got that opportunity. I spoke with Scott on the phone the day after it happened and he is very excited about the whole situation. You'll be able to see Scott on WWE.COM as Wes Adams... just look under the HEAT webshow and you'll see his match."
"Quickly. I am very good friends with William Gibson. A man who has seen it all, and done even more. He's of the Gibson family (Ricky and Robert), and he wanted to get a few things off his chest. I told him that I would gladly post on my site exactly what he wanted to say. So, here goes the neighborhood:"
Opinions in this article are not the opinions of Dustin Starr or anyone else affiliated with DUSTIN STARR.COM. These opinions are strictly of William Gibson (former WCW and Memphis Ref)
This is William Gibson back on checking in to spread some love around the unpredictable world of Wrestling Entertainment. So what's been going on here in the Bluff City.
I see Brian Tramel got his Rasslin Riot Awards for 2006 given out and posted on the internet for everyone to see. I myself only have a few problems with his final picks. So lets start from the top shall we:
Columnist of the Year: Uh, WHAT ????
Site of the Year: I guess Brian didn't want any Heat with Dustin or H'Wood Jimmy so he gave it to them both. Could've called someone Brian just to break the tie, I'm sure anyone with half a Brain would've put Five Starr over the top, I knew I shouldv'e voted, DAMN !
Announcer of the year: Don't know Mike T. personally but I'm sure he know the "Big Moves" by their real name.
Referee of the Year: Definately no problem with this one, Bill Rush and I have known each other for 25 years now, he is one of the Best Ref's I know.
Gimmick of the Year: The Posse, nuff said. Simon you always got my vote Bro.
Booker of the Year: I worked some shows for these guys this year and I gotta say, they were far better than anything else going on in this area.
Manager of the Year: Sorry Rashard, but I would have gone with H'Wood Jimmy on this one. When he gets on a roll he is F'n hilarious. Nothing against you Rashard, but Jimmy's been around alittle while longer and He's been on Conan for christ sakes.
Rookie of the Year: Ok, here is my biggest gripe of all. I like Lil Chris and think he's come a long way with Simon's help. I know that some people may not think of Tatt2 as a Rookie, but he wasn't recognized at all, and he should have at least been in the running for Rookie, or Performer of the year. This kid has got alot of talent and he will be offered a job with either TNA or WWE, within the next 2 years I guarantee it. He is a Hell of a worker and someone really screwed these those two catagories up.
Promotion of the year: Ok whatever....
Horizon Star of the Year: All these guys deserve Mad Props, they are and until some of the younger guys step up always will be the best in this area Bar none. If there "HAD" to be a tie it should've been here. Me and Five Starr are the Best Damn Friends ever, WHAT? Did I say that outloud? Well ever since the incident at Shooter's back in "98" he's always had my back. Flex, Brian, Tim, and Derrick you all remember that night, who was the only one that had my back that night, that's right Dustin Starr...... Dustin really does deserve this because he has worked Damn hard the last couple years trying to get that Developmental contract, I really think it's just a matter of time.
Best Damn Tag Team of the Year: Haven't seen the FOP work together to be honest, have known them both for awhile though. Motley as been around a long time, and knows a hell of alot. Flex and Tim, the Too Cool 2 Gimmick is hilarious and Flex is just insane with the character, if your looking at in ring performance it would have to be Motley, I mean experience goes a hell of a long way man.
Best Damn Performer of the year: I think Brian got this mixed up, Chris Rocker is by far the Best Damn Performer of the three, then Flash and then the other guy.......
Tag Team of the year: Yeah Picture Perfect beacuse all the young girls like these guys and they will put the ass' in the seats for that one reason.
Wrestler of the Year: Derrick has the whole package, Promos, in ring ability like no one else and a Damn good look. He was the right one for this for sure. Dustin Starr should've been in the running for this though, I think it would have been Damn close, if not a surprise upset. Kinda makes you go Hmmmmm..............
So that's my take on that, just my opinion, and as many people will definately voice, my opinion doesn't mean jack. There is so much talent in this area, as it should be. Memphis was once the Hot Bed of Professional Wrestling. I wish I had been around the Business more this year, but 2007 is here, I wonder where will I be this weekend, am I booked? I am Booked by God, imagine that.
Five Starr, Good luck with GMS and thank you for the space Bro, I'll see you on the road this weekend.
Wm. Gibson
So, Flash and DK didn't do the hair very much justice, eh? Well, I KNOW this one's a winner! I've seen this dude with his bandana off... and should I even say it? Okay, I will. He needs to stick with THE DO! I like this! He and Jeremy are the only ones to pull it off! Right? Don't think so? Well... we'll just have to try out another one later.
JANUARY 24TH, 2007
"I want to congratulate my cousin Scott for making his debut appearances on Heat (vs Viscera) and on ECW (vs Monty Brown). Scott has been working on this for a long, long time. He even joined a WWE camp with Bill DeMott a few months back and got his ASS WHIPPED. He said it was one of the toughest things he ever did. Anyway, Scott did a great job and I'm glad he's finally getting what he deserves."
"Good luck, cuz. Don't forget about getting your family a job!"
New matches have been posted on the ARCHIVE section! Matches include the Tag Title revenge match between FIVE STARR & Kevin White vs Fire & Flame, FIVE STARR & Kevin White defending against Too Kool II, and last but not least... FIVE STARR & Kevin White defending their Southern Tag Team titles against The Rock n Roll Express!
More to be added soon. These matches, of coarse, took place BEFORE Starr & White lost the Tag Titles.
JANUARY 23RD, 2007
Well, the hair-do might not have worked for Flash (below)... but I think it looks good on Derrick King. I mean, come on... ANYTHING'S better than that Dennis Rodman look that he has now. It's SOOO old by now. DK should definitely grow his hair like this... afterall, his buddies would definitely save money on buying his haircuts and bleach.
What do you think? You like it or what?
"Must I ALWAYS correct you? The report everyone is reading on RasslinRiotOnline.Com is only HALF true. There WAS a meeting. It WAS apparently about me. I only walked in at the tail-end of it, I guess. It WAS about money. I guess some of the guys wanted to know why FIVE STARR got paid twice? Who knows what it was REALLY about... there's so many guys in that locker room that hate me and want to actually BE ME. Anyways... I didn't say that I made twice as much as them. I just said that if anyone had a problem with whatever I was paid, they can kiss my butt. And yes, BT... I ate free hotdogs."
"I guess I wasn't notified about the meeting for a reason. I'm the outcast, obviously. There's a lot going on there that I REALLY don't wanna know about. How long can I continue to face off against a promotion where almost everyone wants me gone? I guess only time will tell."
There's a big story going around the internet and around Memphis, TN that a new organization has a big show coming up on March 2nd, 2007. The show will feature none other than the Memphis return of Sid Vicious. Very interesting. It is noted that Sid will be getting a huge sum of money to appear on the show. We have no idea, here at DUSTIN STARR.COM, if Sid will be wrestling or just "appearing", but he will be there nonetheless.
Also, FIVE STARR himself was recently contacted about appearing on this show. There are serious negotiations going on right now. Everything looks to be okay... except for one thing. It appears that Dustin Starr's rumored opponent will be none other than...
If this is indeed true... FIVE STARR may be in serious trouble come March 2nd! When asked about this opponent, FIVE STARR says, "Kamala? Big deal. When I'm done with him, he'll be RUNNING back to Uganda... I promise ya that."
JANUARY 21ST, 2007
In a surprising turn of events, the tag team of FIVE STARR & Kevin White seem to be having troubles. Losing the Southern Tag Team Titles to an odd team of Tim Grind and Flash Flanagan, Kevin White seems to be in the mood to point fingers. Starr had the match in hand, hitting the FIVE STARR FINISH on Grind, when White tagged himself in. White seemed to want to dance a little, before he was rolled up and pinned. The mistake by White cost them the Southern Tag Titles... and WHITE BLAMED STARR! White pointed the finger to the point where the team seems to be on shakey ground. I wonder where this will end up?
Tune into Memphis Wrestling next week at 10pm on CW Network (UPN)!
Revenge? Well, I guess some might say that. Well... Alan Steel would definitely say that. After the week before, getting hit in the nether-regions by FIVE STARR... Alan Steel returned the favor. He was disqualified for the manouver... but it was well worth the revenge! Now, Starr and Steel face off next week in what some might say will be nothing more than a good ole fashioned bare knuckle FIGHT! FIVE STARR has promised that he will beat Alan Steel from one side of the building to the other!
Don't miss out on New Blood Wrestling in Dyersburg, TN!
After winning the HORIZON STAR OF THE YEAR, the trophy has finally arrived... and FIVE STARR couldn't wait to show it off! The fans in attendance at the NBW arena in Dyersburg, TN were the first ones to get a glimpse of the trophy... until Alan Steel interrupted with a vicious attack! Alan seemed to be a little upset about not winning... or maybe he just didn't care about it! FIVE STARR is proud to be holding that trophy... and look for that trophy to make a huge impact in the year to come!
JANUARY 19TH, 2007
DUSTIN STARR.COM would like to send out our condolences to the friends and family of Bam Bam Bigelow. Not many details are available... but he was found dead at his home in Florida, early this morning.
Beleive it or not, FIVE STARR is actually linked to Bam Bam in one small aspect. Just starting out in the business, Dustin Starr actually was the referee in a cage match between Bam Bam and Haku in Little Rock, AR. It was brutal. Starr even took a few bumps and bruises from Haku and Bam Bam.
My own personal memories of watching Bam Bam are something that I'll never forget. Not just the match I was involved with... but just memories watching him, as I was growing up. I'll always remember him as a tough SOB that was man-enough to actually get TATTOOS ON HIS HEAD! You have to a be a real tough guy to do that. As far as his ability, man, he was over 300 pounds... and able to do CARTWHEELS. And made them look good!
It always sucks when a legend in the business passes away. I hope there isn't some kinda bad link to his death. I hate to see wrestlers die of drugs and stuff like that. Hopefully, this will be a totally different case.
"I stated earlier about how dirty Jeremy Moore's hair really is. The cut is just horrible. Looks like a nest or something. But I just thought to myself, I said, 'FIVE STARR, I wonder what that hairdo would look like on someone else. Could they pull that off too?' Sooo, I gave it a shot to see what it would look like. And as you can see, Flash Flanagan couldn't pull that hairdo off no matter how HARDCORE his is!
It didn't work this time around... maybe in a few days, I'll try that 'do' out on someone else."
The Palace in Jackson, TN was packed for a big night of Memphis Wrestling! There was over 150 fans in attendance to see the Southern Tag Team Championship match... but there was NO FIRE & FLAME!
Where were they? Who knows? Anyone? Well, the fill-ins were Derrick King & Kayhill. The match went on, as usual, with Starr & White winning. After the match, Fire & Flame hit the ring and attacked the Champs! But not so fast, brothers! Starr and White fought back and cleared the ring! Big grudge Tag Title match is set up for Feb. 22nd at the Palace!
Also we saw: "Superstar" Bill Dundee defeat Derrick King, Jerry "The King" Lawler beat Jethro & Nate the Rat, Shock defeated Alex Krisis, and Doug Gilber defeated Stan Lee! Catch all the Memphis Wrestling superstars on CW Network (UPN) at 10pm on Saturday nights!
JANUARY 17TH, 2007
As if I didn't already know this was coming. You see, NBW is against me. For a shoot. They hate that I've even shown my face there. The website people, the crew, and no telling who else. I went to NBW's website the day after I debuted... and what did I see? I saw a big picture of me there... and underneath it was a nasty little message. "more on his debut on another page, he's not worthy of too much on the main page" or something to that effect. Are you kidding me?
I'm the only thing going on in that company in the first place. Secondly, that website is HORRIBLE. Whoever does the site should be ashamed of themselves. I'm sure they do that site for free because noone in their right mind would PAY someone to do THAT. You don't think I'm newsworthy? Well, just wait until I take your attendance from 100 to 200. And when I'm doing doubling the audience... and I get compensated for it... I'm going to start weeding out the crew, little by little. So, when I'm done, that will be a whole new company. I might even take over Mo's job. You know, acting like I run things... and paying the boys their 5 bucks a night. I can do that. That's easy.
None of those losers have any idea what they're in for. I'm on the loose... and you'll see what I mean this weekend in Dyersburg, TN.
JANUARY 14TH, 2007
What a night! FIVE STARR debuts for NBW, and boy did it shock the entire audience. As Sir Mo was in the ring getting a few things off his check, FIVE STARR walked right into the company... through the front door! The crowd was in utter shock! They were silent in disbeleif. And then... they began to cheer! But how quickly things turned around.
FIVE STARR entered the ring with Mo, face to face and began to ask Mo about all the bad things he has said about him on the internet. And DARED Mo to say it to his face. The fans immediately turned their back on FIVE STARR. Then, Mo made a challenge. Starr said he could beat anyone that Mo set in front of him. And later on that night, Mo made it official... he had a challenger for him.
Mo's surprise opponent was none other than Starr's former tag team partner... and former bitter enemy, "All That" Alan Steel! The best match of the night, BY FAR... as well as the best crowd reaction of the night. This match was A+ and a perfect way for Starr to enter the company.
"I'm totally happy with the reaction I got from the crowd. They all knew who I was... but didn't know why I was there. There's only two ways for the people to look at me. Love me or just love to hate me. Alan and I tore the house down with our match. I don't think there's another person in that locker room that could've been a better opponent for me in my first match. Now, don't get me wrong, I can beat them all. But Alan is the perfect opponent for me. There's a lot of history there."
Be sure to check out the brand new FIVE STARR BLOG. Starr discusses his debut in NBW. He also discusses the crew, the show itself, the fans, and the comparisons to TLCW. Also in the blog, FIVE STARR discusses his clean sweep of the Awards. You HAVE to check that one out!
"I told you so, I told you so. I won't shoot the wad on the main page, I have my opinions of these awards on the blog... but I told you they were coming home to ME! There is no way in the world that you couldn't vote for me in these categories! But nonetheless, I would like to thank everyone again who voted FIVE STARR on the ballot! You know your wrestling. You know what's up."
JANUARY 11TH, 2007
" has their big Super Sunday Awards coming up on Sunday. So, BT (the owner of the site), I'll be waiting patiently for my awards. FIVE STARR wants you to shine 'em up real nice... I want them to shine just like your bald head. Web Site of the Year and Horizon Star of the Year is what I'm up for... and I expect to post two big awards graphics on here on Sunday night."
"I would like to thank everyone who voted for me, as well."
"I personally feel that I should absolutely run away with web site of the year. The other sites that were nominated are basically message boards. Sure, they're websites too... but really they should be in a different category. You have guys and girls posting opinions with FALSE names. What fun is that? If you have something to say, let everyone know who you are and why you're saying it. That's why my site is the best site for the award. Noone else comes close. Period."
"Horizon Star award should be mine for one reason and one reason only... I'm FIVE STARR, baby. I like to think of 2007 as a break out year for me. I was able to accomplish two Southern Tag Team Title runs with Kevin White... I was on Smackdown... RAW several times... I was on Heat... I was all over the place. I feel that I deserve it, but it doesn't matter what I think. I guess the people will voice their own opinion. Whether they like me or not... we'll see how this one turns out. Alan and DK are good... but I've beaten them both."
"I've received many phone calls and probably just as many e-mails on what I'm going to be doing. I haven't spoken about this yet because I just wasn't sure. I still haven't made up my mind on exactly where I'll be Saturday night. I have many opportunities in the works... but just haven't made up my mind. One thing's for sure though..."
"It's a very sad day when you have a loser leaves town match... and both men end up leaving. Especially, when they're two of your top guys. Especially, when it's the two guys that were in the MAIN EVENT of your BIGGEST SHOW EVER. How could something like this happen? Who knows? I don't. All I know is this: on Saturday night, after my match, Derrick King chose his own poison. That's fine. I think it was done on purpose anyway. If you do something to someone when you KNOW they'll quit... then, you did it on purpose. I will not be back in TLCW. No matter how many calls I get... no matter how many of the boys tell me that they want me back there... not matter what. I will NOT be back."
"I've spoken to one-half of the booking team and let them know. I let the owner, Timmy Cummings, know on Saturday night before I left. I have told DK how I feel and then I hung up in his face. As far as I'm concerned, TLCW can STICK IT."
"So, where will I be on Saturday night? Dyersburg's NBW? Hmm... maybe. I've been in connection with a few people there. If I want to... I can. Lemme say this though, I'm not the last person that's leaving TLCW. There's quite a few guys there that hate the way things are being done. I have a lot of friends over there. Don't be suprised if some of them come with me (wherever I go). If you haven't bought your ticket... or haven't seen the NBW product... you might wanna give it some thought this weekend. There might be a FIVE STARR SHOWCASE in Dburg. You just never know."
"I'll post more when I'm positive as to what's really going on around here."
That's right, there is a NEW member of the FIVE STARR HALL OF SHAME! Click over to the FIVE STARR SHOWCASE to find out who it is. Also, like always, there is a new quote up! Check it out.
Keep your eyes on your television sets, because FIVE STARR is set for a commercial shoot, later this week! Also, in the month of March, FIVE STARR will making his 2nd movie appearance. Only this time, he'll have a major role. Shooting for the un-named movie is set for around March and we'll keep you updated on all the details.
As many of you may remember, FIVE STARR made his movie debut on Sting: Moment of Truth. He was in the opening sequence beating the hell out of Ken Wayne.
These projects are just a few of the SEVERAL projects that FIVE STARR has been working on.
Do you run a wrestling show? Do you want to book FIVE STARR for an appearance? A match? Or possibly an autograph session? Now's your chance! FIVE STARR, one half of the Memphis Wrestling Southern Tag Team Champs, is currently accepting offers for bookings! If interested, please get into contact with FIVE STARR, himself! All nights of the week are available!
How could this happen? After actually WINNING the loser leaves TLCW match... FIVE STARR is gone from TLCW? Rumors are shaking the very foundation of the organization as we speak. Many rumors and stories are circulating... but what's the TRUE STORY?
"Check back in the next few days... I'll clear everything up."
After the biggest night in TLCW history... and possibly the most anticipated match in the Mid-South in the last 20 years... FIVE STARR WINS! Now, you can actually revisit the moments from the very match that drew a SELL-OUT CROWD at the TLCW arena!
Witness what happened in the epic battle that sent Chris O'Neal out of TLCW! Witness what took place during AND after the match! As speculation runs rampid about exactly what happened after the biggest match in TLCW history... you can witness history right here on DUSTIN STARR.COM!
There are brand new photos in the FIVE STARR PHOTOS section, as well! You get to take a look at your Memphis Wrestling Southern Tag Team Champions and of coarse, brand new FIVE STARR pictures, as well. Check them out!
After the most anticipated match in the history of TLCW... the most anticipated match in the last ten years... the most talked about match in the Mid-South for the past month... FIVE STARR IS VICTORIOUS!
A bloody, cut, and bruised Chris O'Neal fell at the hands of FIVE STARR last night in Ripley, TN... sending him out of TLCW! Photos will be posted later TONIGHT! Check back, cuz these are a MUST SEE!
"Yeah, you knew it was coming. Tank has joined the Hall of Shame. You gotta click over and read about it. He's also got several FIVE STARR QUOTES. I'm only going to talk about this for a few seconds, so Tank, listen up:"
"I don't know you and you don't know me. Plain and simple. I have NEVER met you before (to my knowledge), and I have no idea why you decided to bad mouth me on the internet. That's fine by me. I don't care. But to let you in on a few things:"
1) "Just because YOU don't have friends in this business, does not mean that I don't. I have SEVERAL real friends in this business. Sorry it didn't work out so well for you."
2) "I can tell ANYONE I want that I want them to quit the business. Know why? CUZ IT'S MY SITE AND IT'S MY OPINION. I have that freedom."
3) "My spots on WWE are bigger and better than ANYTHING you have ever done in this business. Jealousy is a lousy way to make real friends, Tank."
4) "You're right about one thing, the money situation is NONE of your business. But just to let you in on a little fact... your boss called ME. He offered ME the money. He asked ME what I needed. I told him. Isn't that how this business works? You bad mouth me for THAT? Maybe you should've negotiated a little better when you started, man."
5) "I can't really bad-mouth you on anything because I have NEVER met you. Maybe you should step back and think about things before you decide to bad-mouth someone YOU don't know."
"I'm done with the issue. I'm sure some of you don't know what I'm talking about. So, if you don't, go to WWW.RASSLINRIOTONLINE.COM to get the full scoop on Tank's comments. Noone can EVER question my respect and loyalty for this business. I've been good enough to keep a spot on Memphis TV for all these years (not many people can say that), I've been good enough to get spots with WWE (very few ever do ONE spot), AND I've been good enough to keep a VERY good fan-base around this area for all these years (heel OR babyface)."
"Thank you very much."
"Not only will there be pictures from the BIG BARBWIRE LOSER LEAVES TLCW MATCH, but I also have gotten (finally) pictures from the big karoke sing-off between DK and myself! You GOTTA see these pictures of the sing-off, they're GREAT! The pictures of the BARBWIRE match could be very brutal... might wanna keep the children away from the computer. It could get ugly Sat. night!"
"The new blog is a MUST READ. It's a response to the e-mail that Sir Mo sent Brian Tramel and was posted on RASSLINRIOTONLINE.COM . You get to see exactly what I think about Mo's views on the workers in the area and the way he does things as a booker. You have to check it out."
"Also, there is a new member of the FIVE STARR HALL OF SHAME. Check that out, you won't be disappointed. And while you're there at the FIVE STARR SHOWCASE, check out the new FIVE STARR QUOTES. There's new quotes up."
"Boy, time sure does fly by. I hope everyone enjoys the picture above... it's almost a rib on myself. Whew, that first picture was from my very first year in the business, 2000."
"Nevertheless, DUSTIN STARR.COM would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I got messages from many of you wishing me a good one... so to everyone out there, I hope you had a save party last night! I enjoyed a lot of GREAT Bowl Games today, and I intend on watching the rest this week. But to kick off 2007, I want to do a poll. Check out below..."
After what happened last night in Ripley, TN at the TLCW even, speculation is REALLY running wild now! Not only will I step into the ring with Chris O'Neal... but it WILL be a BARBWIRE MATCH... and it will be LOSER MUST LEAVE TLCW! Someone's going home... for good.
With the recent talks between myself and New Blood Wrestling (see article below), something's gotta give. The boys in the TLCW locker room want to talk to me about money being offered by NBW. NBW wants to talk about bringing in talent that can draw and bringing in well... NEW BLOOD. Nothing's fresher than FIVE STARR, I'll tell ya that right now. And I have a few points to make right here before the new year. Check this:
If I go, this is what I'm looking at. Kilo is NBW's new Heavyweight Champion. Now, not to toot my own horn, but if I showed up on their show... I would be THE SHOW. Trust me... Kilo would be the shortest lived Champion in the history of the company. Look at him. Okay, now click on the FIVE STARR PHOTOS and look at me... you tell me who the star is. Sure, he's tough. Sure, he's a country boy who don't give a crap about anything but fighting... but he ain't FIVE STARR. Also, would I really wanna leave TLCW to step into the ring with THAT every week? Well, on one hand... I would. The reason is simple... spotlight. And when the crowd starts to rise, it will be because of what I do in the ring. Not because of anything anyone else is doing. It will be because of ME. That's why they want me to come anyway. To try and help the attendance. That's not a problem. I've looked it over and I've seen their roster, and to tell you the truth... if I leave TLCW, expect me to bring some friends with me. That locker room would have a MAJOR make-over.
If I stay? Well, it's simple. They have the best damn crew in the entire Mid-South. NO QUESTIONS ASKED. I could possibly step into the ring with any or all of the guys that are above... and THEN SOME. The entire crew is good (except Seth Knight, Golden Boy, Tucker... you get the picture). And let me shoot you a small concept right quick: Why would I wanna pull a Bret Hart? Love him to death, I'm a big mark for him, don't get me wrong. But he was THE MAN in WWE. He went to WCW and what happened? Exactly. He was surrounded by people that weren't gonna get him over. Well, in TLCW... I'm THE MAN. Why would I want to ruin that? Don't get me wrong, I'd be THE MAN in NBW. But we are supposed to learn from history. And if it's not broke, don't fix it. Money's good and all... I love money. But if TLCW wants to keep their top guy, they'll take care of him.
It's simple. We will all learn soon enough what's going down. I've been in talks with both companies, and regardless of what happens in the LOSER LEAVES TLCW BARBWIRE MATCH... I'll be THE MAN somewhere.
FIVE STARR is your new LAW Heavyweight Champion! After beating the living hell out of the operations manager, Kelly Warner, Starr went on to defeat... and CRIPPLE Tony Gunn! Tony, wrestling with a bad knee, was not a smart Champion stepping into the ring injured. You could see the huge knee brace on his right knee from a mile away. I'm no rookie... I smelled blood just like a great white shark... and I ATTACKED! I'm the man around LAW... just like everywhere else. Who's next? Check out LAW Online at
Well, DUH! Website of the Year candidate, DUH! DUSTINSTARR.COM is a FIVE STARR website, you know it's up for the award! Go to RasslinRiotOnline.Com and view the other sites that are up for the award... and then compare it to THIS! All the great reading material that I give you people week in and week out... I at least give you something to talk about! HA! Cast your vote, baby!
With a nomination from RasslinRiotOnline.Com, Matt Boyce could possibly win the Rookie of the Year honors. Why's it being posted here on MY site? Why's it even a topic here? Why the hell do I even care? Well, Matt Boyce is a product of my training. That's right, Matt Boyce was the first "graduate" of the FIVE STARR WRESTLING ACADEMY! Matt's been all over the place in Arkansas, and we've even witnessed some of his talent in the Tennessee area (Ripley, TN). Matt Boyce is bringing the noise, folks! So, when you cast your votes for Rookie of the Year, remember... you vote BOYCE, you vote FIVE STARR!
There has been a lot of speculation over the last day or two. Where does this speculation come from? I have no idea. It kinda just came out of the clear blue sky. For those of you haven't heard yet, there's a huge story on the internet regarding myself and NBW (New Blood Wrestling). Reports say that I'm heading out of TLCW (Ripley) and heading to NBW (Dyersburg). If you haven't seen them, the reports are here in the Rasslin' Riot Online. ( Check them out and let me know what you think. Or better yet, send your thoughts into BT himself and let him post what you have for him. Tell him what you think of it all. But I have not agreed to any kinda deal or agreement with NBW. I have not committed to any dates. I haven't given a notice to TLCW. I havne't decided to go anywhere. So, those speculations are running rampid at a VERY early stage. I have no intention of leaving TLCW... but if the circumstances were right... would I? You just never know. And remember, NEVER say NEVER in the wrestling business. Btw, check out NBW at Free publicity for them, anyway. More on this story as it unfolds.
It's been announced... sorta. The BARBWIRE MATCH announced for TLCW in Ripley, TN is in question. Why? Well, maybe it's just TOO DANGEROUS for the wrestling ring. That's right, there is a legitimate threat to the match NOT happening. Apparently, the owner of the building and the insurance restraints have made it nearly IMPOSSIBLE to allow the match to go on. The company does not want to threaten their future or even their existance upon one single match. The results could be serious, especially if one of the competitors were to get seriously injured... and that's very possible in a match like this. January 6th, 2007 in Ripley, TN will be the biggest night in the history of the TLCW promotion, as they will settle many scores at their event A NEW BEGINNING. Flash will defend his TLCW Championship against Stan Lee. And Picture Perfect defend their TLCW Tag Team Titles against the Black Out Squad. All this will take place... but will we see BARBWIRE? Hopefully, this will be settled this week.
I hope everyone got everything on their wish list, this year. I hope Santa Claus came to see everyone, as well. He came to see me and left me all kinds of goodies under the tree. It's been a helluva year and I'm sure that 2007 will bring even more havoc! I can't wait. Everyone, I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Look for me out partying in the new year. Make sure to say hello, but don't hold it against me if I don't remember it later.
This man bled worse than I've ever seen anyone bleed (in person), tonight. He took a rough kendo stick shot to the head and got a gash in his head... and bled... and bled... and bled. You could actually see the goop of the blood running down his goatee and down his body. Anyone who was there to see it, can tell you about it. We ALL saw it. And I want to give him a standing ovation for keeping the match going. He could've walked to the back and gotten fixed up... but he continued the match. Flash is THE MAN. Wrestler of the Year in my votes, baby.
You read it right! There is a brand new section added to DUSTINSTARR.COM! It is none other than the FIVE STARR SHOWCASE! The Showcase will consist of memorable Five Starr moments... memorable Five Starr quotes from various people... and yes, there will even be a HALL OF SHAME! If you're on the list, expect to see a picture of yourself... and a few details of WHY you're there. Now, once you're in the Hall, you can work yourself off the page. That would be a good thing. Expect more to be added as time goes on! Go ahead, click the FIVE STARR SHOWCASE button... you MAY be on the list! Have you been shamefull?
Five Starr continues to draw record crowds in Ripley, TN! The hottest man on the show, as always, was the drawing power behind the biggest crowd in Thursday night karaoke history. DK and Five Starr went one on one... and the crowd was begging for more! TWO SONGS A PIECE! That's all it took! After the contest, DK decided to get a cheap superkick in... but he will pay for this THIS SATURDAY NIGHT! Picture will be up later in the day!
There's been a lot of talk about what happened last Saturday night in TLCW's locker room. Well, the buck stops here. Everyone one from websites to eyewitnesses have their reasons and descriptions of what happened. This is the LAST TIME I'll post on this matter. Read the full story in the BLOG section. I'm going to set a few things straight.
First: The reason I didn't beat Seth up when the incident happened is simple. One of my best friends runs the show. I know how hard it is to run a show. I know how hard it is to keep everything running straight and together. So, I waited until the END OF THE SHOW before I jumped on Seth. This way, I didn't disrespect my friends... I didn't interrupt the show... and I told Seth what was going to happen before it even happened.
Second: How would I sucker punch a guy when the guy KNEW IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN? Look at me and look at Seth and YOU TELL ME WHO WOULD WIN. Duh. And as for Bishop... he's my good friend. Why would I jump on him for pulling me off Seth? Everyone's been in bar fights... and everyone's had their best friend break the fight up. Is that any reason to beat Bishop up? Geeze, you guys need to give it up.
Third: Terrell Owens of the Dallas Cowboys spit in DeAngelo Hall's face on Sat. night on live TV. Owens is now fined $35,000 for it. It's being noted as the ULTIMATE DISGRACE. Well, you know what? It's the same damn thing with this case. I'm not being suspended for it. But I will tell you this, Seth Knight will be punished, and he should be. I didn't do anything that anyone else wouldn't have done. I was being a man. You can't fault me for that.
And finally: Seth, I don't like you and never will. Whenever you wanna go again... just let me know, kid.
I'm done with this topic. I have bigger fish to fry than Seth. And for all the people who have something to say about what happened... you're just a big coward for not doing it yourself. Case closed. I'm done with it.
Last night in Ripley, TN at the TLCW show there was a fight in the locker room between FIVE STARR and Screech... err... Seth Knight. There's many reports out there as to what EXACTLY happened... even though everyone who was there all witnessed the same thing. If you want more on the story, just click on BLOG for the full story. I discuss in detail what happened... and why it happened. For those who are interested, you can read the story from "the bully" himself.
It's posted in the archives! Fire & Flame get their shot at the Memphis Wrestling Southern Tag Team Titles... but try to take a little more than the belts! They set FIVE STARR on FIRE! Click the ARCHIVES button to view the match!
First of all, just look at him. Beleive it or not, he's ACTUALLY a wrestler. AND, he can't be beaten. I laugh everytime I look at this picture or think about some of the things that actually come out of his mouth. Seth Knight is a joke and has no business being in the wrestling business. Again, I say - LOOK AT THE PICTURE. He kinda reminds me of Screech off Saved by the Bell. Right? Just a nerd who always tries to be cool. Always tries to fit in some way. Whether it's getting a tattoo (like the STARR tattoo he has on his arm), or getting his hair spiked up (like mine), or even getting his hair highlighted (like mine). I'm not going to say the dude is trying to copy me... but the proof IS in the pudding. He's a huge mark. He's a huge mark for ME. Seth Knight, I hope you're reading this. I just wish you would quit the business right now and save me the pain and agony of ever having to sit with you in a locker room... or better yet saving me the pain and agony of ever having to sit through one of your matches again. TLCW is better without you. TLCW should've never brought you back. And you're lucky I don't run things around there or else I'd throw your ass out the door myself. Everything in this article is 100% true. Thank you.
Yes, The Hulkster himself made an appearance on Memphis Wrestling, last night! He and his daughter Brooke Hogan did an interview for the show, right after their WalMart autograph signing! Who all went to meet Hogan? Who went to meet Brooke? Who actually got an autograph of the Immortal One? Well, let's just say this - Hogan and I are pretty tight. So tight, in fact, he actually SENT me an autograph copy of his Anthology DVD! That's right, something special added to my memorabilia! I just hope we can get Hogan to come to the Mid-South Coliseum on December 30th to help celebrate the history of the building!
Yes, I have a personal seamster. His name is Jeff Jameson. He is the ONLY person that I let make my gear, and he has great prices. More importantly than price, his gear is the top of the line. Check out my cool LINKS section for the banner, or just go to
New videos have been added to the ARCHIVES. The battle royal for the Memphis Wrestling Southern Tag Team titles has been added, and we're in search of the video of Fire & Flame setting FIVE STARR on fire. Once it's found, it'll be posted for all to see. But catch Memphis Wrestling Sat. night to find out what Starr and White have to say about it!
Still the Southern Tag Team Champions, Starr and White survived an attack this weekend like no other. The two get set to meet with Fire & Flame in the very near future. Perhaps, we could have a big ole showdown at the MID-SOUTH COLISEUM! Who knows? Stranger things have happened.
Have you ever seen the epic battles between Jerry Lawler and Bill Dundee? Well, if not, check this out right now. They've had many battles... most of which Dundee won, of coarse... but this one is one of the greatest. Check out The Superstar in pure fashion!
Do you play fantasy football? Well, if you run across a team by the name of the Memphis Starr-Struck, you better watch out, cuz they're gonna whip your butt! We're just getting into the thick of things, in our ESPN league. I have a great team, but there's a few spots that could be stronger. I'm in a tie for second place in my division, and this week should put me over the hump. We're looking for a playoff birth. Let me introduce you to my team.
We have the starting line-up of Carson Palmer, Marion Barber III, Joseph Addai, Marvin Harrison, Terry Glenn, Jeremy Shockey, Miami Dolphins defense/st, and finally we have Matt Stover as our kicker. Sitting the bench, usually: Edgerrin James, Donte Stallworth, Jeramy Stevens, Patriots D/ST, Thomas Jones, Derrick Mason, David Garrard, and Mike Vanderjagt.
Palmer, Glenn, Addai, and Barber and huge players for the team. Shockey and Stevens are where I lack. They aren't putting up good numbers. But the team is 6-6 and on it's way to the post-season. This is my first year of fantasy football. I've learned a lot. You know I want that Championship! I'll keep you updated on the team.
----Jawbreaker Jones defeated Shawn William; “The Posse” [‘Lil Chris/Simon Reed] defeated Reno Diamond/Shannon Lee - Tatt2 defeated Jr. Heavyweight Champ Derrick King by pinfall in a non-title match - Rockin' Randy and Rashard hit the ring after the match and laid them both out. Randy left with the belt; “Naughty by Nature”[Rude/Pokerface] w/Rashard defeated Kevin White/Bill Dundee;Dustin Starr defeated Kelly Warner by DQ after Chris O'Neal hit the ring and attacked Starr; “Picture Perfect” VI [Jon Michael/Christian Jacobs] [pic to the right] defeated the “Blackout Squad” [Oz/Bishop] w/Rashard in a No DQ match to win the TLCW tag titles and in the Main Event: Flash Flanagan defeated Seth Knight to retain the TLCW title.
----Crowd was in 150-180 range again this week. I am guess around a $850 gate…Earlier in the night they announced the new Operations Manager for TLCW would be Kelly Warner. Warner came to the ring. They ran an angle where he was interrupted by Dustin Starr, who said he could beat Warner blindfolded during his “5 Starr Showcase” interview segment. Warner took him up on the offer and a match was made for later… There was distention with Lee/Diamond from the moment they came out and Diamond left during their match…Dell Tucker was in the ring for an interview when “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony hit the ring, making his return to TLCW. He held an impromptu “Golden Circle” interview segment with Tucker. As Tucker was leaving the ring after the interview, TGB attacked him from behind and left him lying in the ring…During the final intermission of the night, a lot of noise could be heard in the back. Dustin Starr came through the curtain dragging a bloody Chris O'Neal down the ramp and into the ring. Starr beat O'Neal down in the ring until Christian Jacobs hit the ring for the save in his underwear… Following the main event, they ran an angle as Matt Foley hit the ring and attacked Knight. He got on the mic and said he was the greatest owner, commissioner and champion TLCW ever had. Tim Grind appeared on the ramp and made his way to the ring. Grind took exception to what Foley said, but agreed to let it slide, as long as it didn't happen again. As Grind went to leave, Foley came up behind him with a chair, Grind turned around and saw him coming and proceeded to give Foley a spinebuster. Flash then made his way back to the ring and exchanged words with Grind to end the show. Flash said Grind's big return would be very short-lived…Sounded like a real good show. 10 times better than anything they are doing on Memphis TV.
How much do YOU know about the business? I'm sure you've seen Beyond the Mat. I'm sure you've seen Hitman Hart, Wrestling with Shadows. You might even read all the books that are released now-a-days, by superstars that go into detail about the behind the scenes BS. All the back-stabbing... all the mingling with finishes... all the egos of the boys in the locker room and why they think they should never lose. Well, guess what? Even at the independent level (non-WWE/TNA), it happens. And the big question is... WHY? Why is it that some of the boys that HAVE egos, have NO REASON having egos? Why is it that the boys can't just DO WHAT THEY'RE TOLD. Why is it that some of the boys have to try and get their buddy, who is the promoter, to change finishes to make them happy? I literally LAUGH OUT LOUD about garbage like this. ESPECIALLY, when it's a guy doing it that has NEVER DONE ANYTHING IN THIS BUSINESS! NEVER BEEN ANYWHERE! NEVER WILL EITHER! It was just on my mind, and I had to share it with you. I don't have to mention names here. The party(s) involved know who they are. This stuff isn't so much as heat with me... it's just troublesome garbage that we should never have to deal with. Peace.
It's kinda funny, I think. It was brought to my attention recently that "The Diamond Ring Cadillac Man" and FIVE STARR were born with almost the SAME EXACT hairstyle. The blonde in the front of our hair is almost identical. I had never realized this until just a few days back. Monroe had great style as a performer... and so do I! We must be related somehow because this is just TOO ODD! He loved diamonds... and so do I! He loved Cadillacs... and so do I! He was tough and mean... and so am I! He won just about everyone of his matches... and so do I! Geeze... now that I think about it... I wonder if my mom hung around the Mid-South Coliseum in her younger days? Anyway... here is GREATNESS then... and NOW.
For all those FIVE STARR fans out there who miss the Memphis Wrestling TV show, or those of you who just don't get the shows in your area, check this out! DUSTINSTARR.COM now has the capability to post matches that you might have missed... and quite frankly that you need to check out! Check it out! Jerry Lawler teams up with the new Southern Tag Team Champions to face Too Cool II and former WWE star Flash Flanagan!
I just want to send out a congratulations to Jon Michael and his wife Kira on having their first baby. I just want to say right here and now, that if the baby pops out looking like this...
...I had NOTHING to do with it. Good lookin' kid, though.
MADDEN 2007 - PS2
Anyone who has Madden 2007 for Playstation 2... and you wanna shot at the one and only FIVE STARR... bring it on! Look me up online. My screen name is FiveStarrQB13. Anyone have the guts to step up?